It's been 1 year and 5 days since i've created this blog. Not much of a progress after entering National Service. Originally I created this blog for a poem called 'Within the Aching Soul' which ended up into a long (longer than Jeanelle's) and incomplete story. The genre is Science Fiction and Supernatural. It's about a Lonely Phantom who lost all his loved ones (created wayy before Jeanelle's story did). Did not manage to finish writing it within a year which was supposedly to be my goal last year. I got the inspiration from my dad. He fell sick and is now disable. I love him dearly but there is nothing I can do now. I can barely support myself and my other younger siblings with the little money I earn. I don't have high education to back me up either. Recently my grandmother is admitted in the hospital. She suddenly became half paralysed. I visited her last week. She grew very very weak. She could barely move or talk. She lost her sight and strength. All she does is nod and sign language with her right limb. I've gained many painful experience but no inspiration. Anyways, my life so far has come to a ruin and poverty. Managed to survive somehow. Those are the little details and update about me. There are many others that are less fortunate than I am. I just got continue to stay strong. But honestly, i'm just so sad inside.